Order Details

Get the detail of a order by unique identifier

URL : /api/v1/xorder/{OrderId}

Method : GET

Auth required : Key-Value pairs on Header

Example : https://demo.calybra.com/api/v1/xorder/02116ec1-3e33-45fe-be38-7970dfa2f74b

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content examples

    "OrderId": "02116ec1-3e33-45fe-be38-7970dfa2f74b",
    "Number": 10,
    "Date": "2022-10-06T00:00:00",
    "CompanyId": "f1490524-9499-45c7-a823-31606731ae52",
    "CompanyCode": "TMP403",
    "Notes": null,
    "InternalNotes": null,
    "RequestedDeliveryDate": "2022-10-07T00:00:00",
    "Rows": [
            "RowNumber": 1,
            "ItemCode": "P100",
            "Description": "Filone Integrale 1 kg",
            "Quantity": 15.000,
            "Price": 0.00000,
            "Discount": 0.000,
            "MeasureUnitId": "n",
            "Notes": "note riga 1 di test",
            "ItemId": "6255ebbd-8bbf-4857-8a8e-3ca9258270cd",
            "PlannedDate": null
            "RowNumber": 2,
            "ItemCode": "P101",
            "Description": "Filone Bianco e Patate 1 kg",
            "Quantity": 15.000,
            "Price": 0.00000,
            "Discount": 0.000,
            "MeasureUnitId": "n",
            "Notes": "note riga 1 di test",
            "ItemId": "8ba4e22a-7a0a-4b74-814d-105d2145b699",
            "PlannedDate": null
    "OrderTypeId": "975a16f4-25a6-4c9f-900f-e75d1bb963fe",
    "OrderTypeDescription": "Ordine Cliente",
    "Messages": null,
    "OrderState": "Received"

Get the detail of a order by number and year

URL : /api/v1/xorder?{Number}&year{Year}

Method : GET

Auth required : Key-Value pairs on Header

Example : https://demo.calybra.com/api/v1/xorder/?number=10&year=2022

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content examples

    "OrderId": "02116ec1-3e33-45fe-be38-7970dfa2f74b",
    "Number": 10,
    "Date": "2022-10-06T00:00:00",
    "CompanyId": "f1490524-9499-45c7-a823-31606731ae52",
    "CompanyCode": "TMP403",
    "Notes": null,
    "InternalNotes": null,
    "RequestedDeliveryDate": "2022-10-07T00:00:00",
    "Rows": [
            "RowNumber": 1,
            "ItemCode": "P100",
            "Description": "Filone Integrale 1 kg",
            "Quantity": 15.000,
            "Price": 0.00000,
            "Discount": 0.000,
            "MeasureUnitId": "n",
            "Notes": "note riga 1 di test",
            "ItemId": "6255ebbd-8bbf-4857-8a8e-3ca9258270cd",
            "PlannedDate": null
            "RowNumber": 2,
            "ItemCode": "P101",
            "Description": "Filone Bianco e Patate 1 kg",
            "Quantity": 15.000,
            "Price": 0.00000,
            "Discount": 0.000,
            "MeasureUnitId": "n",
            "Notes": "note riga 1 di test",
            "ItemId": "8ba4e22a-7a0a-4b74-814d-105d2145b699",
            "PlannedDate": null
    "OrderTypeId": "975a16f4-25a6-4c9f-900f-e75d1bb963fe",
    "OrderTypeDescription": "Ordine Cliente",
    "Messages": null,
    "OrderState": "Received"

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