

We work for environmental protection. We try to minimize the environmental impact of our products continuously improving their conception and production methods.

The barred trash can symbol indicates this product is included among the EU directive “Waste of electric and electronic equipment” (WEEE) and the EU directive “Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive” (ROHS).

At the end of his service life, the product must be disposed of in conformity with the local and national legislation and be classified as part of the Category 2 “little appliances” of the RAEE directive.

The information contained in this manual reflects the knowledge available at the moment of writing.

Reserves the right to modify this manual

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Via Interporto Centro Ingrosso 14 33170 Pordenone (PN) ITALY Tel. +39.0434.598252 info@naonix.it – www.naonix.it

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