Create and delete recipes and ingredients book
From the main page of Calybra Box click on Recipes.
Create Recipes
Pressing create on the left will appear this display
Insert the ingredient and the batch and, if it is a sub recipes, press on the box "ingredient"
Clicking save the next screen "ingredients" will appear where you insert the components of the recipe writing them on the search bar and entering the relative information. They will appear in the table below so you do not forget any of them.
The recipe is completed by entering the rest of the information on the box at the top "recipe". Once selected in the Recipe box, the following screen will appear
The Access Level entry establishes the user hierarchy. You can enter a number (Ex: 0,1,2,3,4 ...) and in order of priority only users who have the same access level or higher will be able to see the recipe.
Tick the box "Imposed Nutritional Fact", (then save and reload the page), if you want to manually set the nutritional values. The other options are all calculated automatically except "Labeling Data" and "Preparation Method". Check the "Publish" box if you want to save the recipe in the ingredient book.
Check the Ignore weight loss in preparation option to ignore a weight loss during recipe preparation.
In the Weight Variation (%) field, the variation due to the ingredients that are incorporated / absorbed during preparation is taken into account. Example: if 1.2 kg of panettone is to be prepared, either we calibrate the ingredients to the exact extent (including any evaporation or absorption), or add a weight variation of 20% to the Default Weight of 1 kg of panettone.
To complete the operation, click Save.
Passing by the section Recipe to Groups in the boxes above is possible to see for which groups of production the recipe is currently in use.
By selecting the last box Preparation Method is instead possible to add any notes related to the preparation procedure of the recipe.
Delete Recipes
To delete a recipes select the highlighted box in orange action from where will appear a drop down list, choose the delete option and give one more confirm.
Ingredients Book
Checking the icon ingredients book will be downloaded a PDF where all the ingredients of a recipes will be shown later to the public.