Not weighed ingredient

The administrator, during the addition or modification phase of ingredients, can set up the option Don't weigh smallmain for one or more ingredients.

This option forces the user, during the preparation of the recipe, to manually enter the weight of the ingredient (e.g. use of packages with default weight as milk or flour bags, etc.)


The ingredient with "don't weigh" option activated will be indicated by the symbol small as on the underlying screen


During the preparation of the recipe, the symbol small will help the user identify the not weighed ingredient. The user can confirm the offered quantity or edit it.

Example: the user selects the not weighed ingredient small and displays the underlying screen


Pressing the button Not weighed Quantity small the user can enter the total weight of the used packages using the numeric keypad and confirm pressing the button small


The following screen will be displayed and the addition must be confirmed again pressing the button small


Later it will be possible to recalculate the recipe pressing the recalculation button (Recalculation Function)


Continue to weigh the other ingredients as usual.

Once the addition of the ingredients that form the recipe is finished, the underlying screen will be displayed


N.B. Once the preparation is completed, the user has to press the button of recipe’s end small before taking away the bucket from the plate to allow a correct memorisation of the recipe.

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