Hide an ingredient from the ingredient list

Hide an ingredient in all ingredient lists

From the main menu of the CalybraBox, go into the section Ingredients and click on smallwindow -> Edit in correspondence of the ingredient that you want to hide and inside the field Printed Description enter the wording $notPrinted as illustrated in the figure below


Remember to press Save to apply changes.

Hide an ingredient only in certain recipes

If you don't want to print the ingredient exclusively in certain recipes, go into the section Recipesand , in correspondence to the recipe that contains the ingredient that we don't want to print, press smallwindow -> Edit. You will enter the screen where all the ingredients contained in the recipes are listed. In correspondence of the ingredient that we don't want to print press smallwindow -> Editand enter, always in the field Printed Description, the wording notPrinted


Click on the Save button to apply changes. This ingredient will not be printed only in the recipe we are editing.

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