Variants groups
Variants are a very important aspect of the shop as they allow you to choose between the different customizations of an item (Dimensions, Portions, Stuffing, Type...) and make the customer's choice much wider.
Product groups variants list
To access the Variants menu click on and from the left sidebar that opens select Shop -> Variants
From this screen it's possible to modify the existing shop variants or create new ones.
Create a new variants product group
To create a new variant group press on the button Create Full
Inside the box, below Id, enter the name of the product to which you want to assign the variants group we are going to create. Click on Save to create the new product variants group.
Add a variant to the variants group
Once you've created the variants group, to add the various variants click on the button -> Edit. At this point you will enter into the following screen
Below the item Type, from the drop-down menu, is possible to select the type of choice options to add to the item present in the shop. The variant IsCheckable it is used to activate a numeric selection filed within the article. The variant IsInputText it's useful to add a text box to the article. The IsDate variant is useful if you want to add the possibility to enter a date by the user during the order. The IsTime variant needs to give the possibility to the user to enter the time from the various options related to the article. The variant IsOption is useful to create a drop-down choice menu inside which you can enter the various variables that constitute the possibility of choice for our client (ex: stuffing, type of product, dimensions, tastes...).
In the field Name enter the name that you want to assign to the variant. The user that will login into the shop will see the name of the variatn as well as you've entered now in the system (ex. Type).
Check the box Available if you want that this choice option will be published on the shop.
Click on the Add button to apply changes to the system and to add the variant. If the operation has been completed correctly, the name of the variable will appear in the space immediately below
To modify the variant just created press on the button , to delete the variant instead press on the button
Add options to the variant
Based on the type of option chosen the edit screen will be different. If for example, as in our case, the IsOption option has been chosen if you click on the button you will enter into the following screen
The Type item has the same meaning of the previous page and if you want here you have the possibility to change the option chosen previously. In the Name field you can change the name previously assigned to the variant.
Below Options, clicking on the button Add, you can create different options for the variant previously created in the text box that will appear immediately below. For example if you want to add the various types of "Rhabarber", after enter in the variant "Types" now you can enter the options.
In Customer Options is possible to add the options for every clients present in CalybraBox. The options created in this section will be visible only inside the shop related to the selected client.
Click on the button Save to apply changes to the system.
Once all has been saved you will be able to see the option in the shop in a way similar to this